
Thank You, JetBlue, for Donating Books to Us!

We are very thankful for JetBlus’s Soar with Reading Program for donating more than a thousand children’s books to our Chinese School students as well our ESL program participants!

Your gifts have helped nurture a love of reading and writing for our CS students and encouraged their imagination to take flight through reading, and also helped our adult language learners improve their learning! Thank you!

Thank you, Customers Bank, for Your Continued Support!

Thank you, Customers Bank, for your generous donation of $7,000 to CMP and supporting the services we provide to promote economic self-sufficiency and career advancement for the community! None of our work could be done without our amazing supporters like you!

Customers Bank Senior Vice President Mr. Paul Hodowanec (center) and Vice President Mr. Danny Wong (right) handing over the donation check to CMP Executive Director Mr. Hong Shing Lee (left)

Customers Bank Senior Vice President Mr. Paul Hodowanec (center) and Vice President Mr. Danny Wong (right) handing over the donation check to CMP Executive Director Mr. Hong Shing Lee (left)

Thank you, Preferred Bank, for Your Continued Support!

Thank you, Preferred Bank, for your generous donation of $5,000 to support our work in helping immigrants and low-income individuals toward economic self-sufficiency and career advancement! None of our work could be done without our amazing supporters like you!

Preferred Bank Executive Vice President Ms. Kathy Yen (center) and Senior Vice President Mr. MK Chow (right) handing over the donation check to CMP Executive Director Mr. Hong Shing Lee (left)

Preferred Bank Executive Vice President Ms. Kathy Yen (center) and Senior Vice President Mr. MK Chow (right) handing over the donation check to CMP Executive Director Mr. Hong Shing Lee (left)

THANK YOU, Cathay Bank, for Your Continued Support!

Cathay Bank Senior Vice President Ms. Elizabeth Lee (left) is handing over the donation check to CMP Executive Director Mr. Hong Shing Lee (right).

Cathay Bank Senior Vice President Ms. Elizabeth Lee (left) is handing over the donation check to CMP Executive Director Mr. Hong Shing Lee (right).

THANK YOU, Cathay Bank, for working with us, as always, in bringing educational Financial Literacy workshops to our new immigrant students and clients!

In additions to its charitable community work, Cathay Bank again makes a generous donation of $10,000 to support CMP programs and services - thank you again for making a genuine difference in helping people achieve their goals of personal and economic success!